Study Abroad FAQ's for First Year Students

对于一年级学生来说,出国留学的第一步可能会让人不知所措. For this reason, 我们建议你浏览一下这些常见问题解答(FAQ’s),了解如何/何时/以及为什么开始计划你的海外时间. 对于任何具体的问题或担忧,请不要犹豫,通过以下方式欧洲杯押注的办公室 contacting us or stopping by our office! 我们期待着帮助您实现出国留学的愿望!


  • Tell your advisor you want to study abroad. 在第一年和你的导师谈谈你对出国留学的兴趣,这将帮助你确定出国的最佳时间.
  • Attend a First Step Meeting. First step meetings 信息会议是否解释了出国留学计划的基本知识.
  • Consider taking General Education courses abroad. 你可以在国外学习通识教育课程,如果你把其中的一些课程留到国外,你可能会更容易找到一个适合你的课程.
  • Meet with a study abroad advisor to explore your optionsMake an appointment 与PIC的顾问会面,讨论您的兴趣并探索您的选择-开始计划永远不会太早!

When Can I Study Abroad?

Can I study abroad during my freshman year?

If you'd like to study abroad as soon as possible, 尽早向帕德诺斯国际中心寻求建议和指导是很重要的. 我们建议你在大一的秋季学期和我们一起参观. However, 你可以参加海外学习项目的最快时间是在大一之后的夏天. Keep in mind, 为了实现出国留学的目标,你必须完成许多时间紧迫的活动, so the earlier you start planning with us, the better!

Can I study abroad more than once?

Yes- You are not limited to one study abroad experience! You can spend up to four semesters (maximum) abroad. 甚至你为获得学士学位而修的最后30个学期也可以带出国. 

I'm a Lakers Go Abroad (LGA) recipient. How/when can I use my LGA award?

你可以将你的LGA奖学金用于任何学分的海外学习项目(GVSU项目和外部项目)。. Your scholarship must be used within four years after initial enrollment at GVSU. 这笔资金将用于你在国外学习期间的GVSU助学金. 

What Classes Can I Take Abroad?

How do I know what classes I need to take?

If you have already declared your major/minor, you should be able to see your appointed academic advisor on MyBanner (MyBanner > Student > Student Records > Student Profile). You can also search for your general academic adviser on the University-wide Academic Advising page. 我们建议您尽快与这些顾问之一预约,以便他们可以帮助您制定未来的课程安排.

Independently, you can browse your general education/major/minor requirements on MyPath (My Banner > Student > Student Records > MyPath). 了解这些要求,以及你将来什么时候上每门课,在浏览留学项目时真的会有帮助.

当你计划大一的课程顺序时, sophomore, junior and senior years, 你需要确定哪个学期适合你在国外度过. 这可以通过仔细的计划和你的学术顾问的建议来完成. 所以,现在就和他们谈谈,安排一个学期在国外度过,并计划出国学习的具体课程.

Are there any classes I should "save" for study abroad?

While it's possible to find most general education/major/minor requirements abroad, 当然,有些课程比其他课程更适合出国留学. 

General Education Requirements

  • 通过在国外学习至少3个学分,您将自动满足您的全球视野通识教育要求,并且您可以通过在国外学习并在回国后完成简短的反思来轻松满足您的通识教育问题要求(6学分). 因此,我们建议将这些课程推迟到你的留学计划.

Major/Minor Course Requirements

  • You may take major/minor course requirements while abroad. 某些大调/小调可能比其他的更灵活,但总的来说,大调/小调 elective courses are typically ideal to focus on while abroad. Thus, 把这些选修课留到国外学习是有策略的,可以给你更多的留学项目选择.

BA Cognate Requirements

  • All students earning a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)学位要求第三学期熟练掌握一门外语. You may consider completing one or more of these courses abroad.

How Can I Start Preparing Now?

What can I do to prepare before picking a study abroad program?

Get your passport!

  • Do you have a valid passport? 如果你有护照,一定要检查护照的有效期. 16岁之前签发的美国护照有效期只有5年. 

Talk early with your academic adviser

  • 和你的学术顾问谈谈,确定你应该什么时候出国留学,以及在国外你应该关注哪些学位要求. 你应该在出国留学目的地实际出发前一年左右开始出国留学计划过程. 

Get familiar with your general education/major/minor requirements

  • 探索你的人生道路,并与学术顾问会面,开始考虑你想在国外上什么课. 当你开始寻找一个特定的留学项目时,熟悉你的通识教育/主修/辅修要求会有很大帮助!

Is there someone I can talk to about studying abroad?

Absolutely! 帕德诺斯国际中心致力于帮助您完成留学的每一步. 为了开始熟悉留学流程,我们建议...

Attending a First Step Meeting:

  • 出国留学第一步会议是每周的信息会议,讨论出国留学的所有基础知识.
  • 第一步会议在秋季和冬季学期提供每周三下午5点至6点在安大略湖大厅. Click here for more information. 

Scheduling a One-on-one advising appointment with a study abroad peer advisor:

  • You can schedule an online study abroad advising appointment 与同行顾问会面,为您的留学计划(所有)量身定制一对一的建议 peer advisers have studied abroad, 所以请随意询问他们的经历,以及你对出国留学的任何担忧。)


Page last modified June 21, 2022